Tourgueneff, Nikolaj (Turgenev, Nikolay Ivanovich): La Russie et les Russes. 1-3.
Paris 1847. 8vo. [ii] + xii + 576, 561-64 + [ii] pp. (pagination irregular, complete); + [ii] + 554; + [ii] + 518 pp. Without half-titles.
Three volumes, near-contemporary half calf, red labels to spines, marbled edges. Marginal paper loss to one leaf in first volume (pp. 545/6) and two in the second (pp. 61-4), close to but not affecting text. Printed shelf label (”Grefve af Ugglas bibliotek”), titles with name stamp of ”C. J. v. Hermanson” (Carl Johan von H., 1795-1871).
Nikolay Ivanovich Turgenev (1789-1871) was an early Russian liberal economist and political theoretician, who among other things worked for the abolition of serfdom. A relative of the novelist Ivan Turgenev, Nikolay co-founded several reformist societies, notably the Northern Society of the Decembrists. After being involved in the Decembrist uprising in 1825 he escaped to England, was sentenced to death in his absence and settled in France. Among his later published writings, La Russie et les Russes is the best known (1847). It was not until 1856 that he was granted amnesty and permission to return to Russia.
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